2013 October


Your talent could be seen by thousands!

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Like the show X Factor, we are looking for individual or group acts to showcase their amazing talents in front of a live audience. The entire TEDx community will be able to see your talent. You will be performing in front of a crowd of UTSC staff, faculty, alumni, and definite big names in the community. Our speakers have not been announced yet, but you will be sharing the stage among some of the most innovative and amazing speakers that TEDx has to offer!

This is an AMAZING opportunity to get you or your band/act’s name out there!

We are looking for ANY TYPE of performer(s), as long as you can wow us, engage the crowd, and be sure to include our theme #ConvergingRealities in your routine somehow!

If you think you’ve got that little bit of x-factor in you, be sure to apply to become a performer at our conference, #ConvergingRealities! Get those applications in before Halloween, because they’re due October 30 at 11:59 pm! Apply now!

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