Use this form to nominate staff/faculty and alumni at UTSC/UofT or any external speaker. Please read the FAQs before filling out the Speaker Nomination form.
Looking to nominate yourself? Click here.
Thank you for nominating a speaker for TEDxUTSC 2014. We look forward to reviewing your suggestion!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. When is TEDxUTSC 2014?
TEDxUTSC 2014 event will be held February 1 (SAT), 2014. It is a full day event.
2. Whom can I nominate for TEDxUTSC?
Please use this form to nominate any externals, staff/faculty, current student (undergrad or graduate) or alumni of the University of Toronto. Suggestions for external speakers (not affiliated with UofT) are also welcome!
3. Can I nominate myself as a Speaker?
Most definitely! Please use the form in the “Self-Nomination” page on our website to nominate yourself and for FAQs.
4. Can I suggest someone I don’t know personally? You ask for their email address but I do not know it.
Please do nominate! Just let us know how you’ve heard about this person, and why you think they should speak at TEDxUTSC.
5. Can I suggest someone I work for, or a client of mine?
Yes, we welcome peer/client nominations as well!
6. Can I speak at TEDxUTSC by becoming a sponsor?
No. Sponsoring TEDxUTSC has many benefits, but a guaranteed speaking slot is not one of them.
7. Will it help if I submit multiple nominations, or have my friends or employees nominate the nominee several times?
No. It is more important to help us understand the quality of their idea(s) through the form. If you have more questions, please feel free to reach us at [email protected].