TEDxUTSC 2015: Unleash The Fantasy
We are all born with unbiased and prejudice-free minds. However, upon entering the vicious cycle of life – social pressure, conformity and expectations, our ability to innovate and dream, slowly shrinks. It then becomes a distant image in the backdrop, enslaved by norms and restrictions. TEDxUTSC 2015 invites you to resurrect your talents, aims and ambitions; it gives you the chance to challenge what is perceived to be, the impossible.
Unleash The Fantasy is the cradle of boundless imagination and genuine zeal. The theme conveys the endless human aptitude to explore and inspire beyond the conventional framework, to excite and aspire, overcoming every obstacle in the mighty pursuit of achieving your personal YOUtopia. Join us! Break the shackles and dive into the vivid world of your own imagination. Dream as you have never dreamed before, reach for whatever feels unreachable and follow us on a life-changing journey.
As an advocate of equal opportunity, equity and justice, University of Toronto Scarborough is dedicated to fostering, not only the academic performance, but also the creative genius within every student. TEDx and UTSC are converging powers and passions to provide YOU with a landscape of unlimited opportunities.